You and your family members who are class members have several options in connection with the settlement.
Participate in the settlement. To get money and other benefits from the settlement, send in Claim Form #1, or notify the Court in writing that you want to participate in the settlement (deadline to be determined).
If you choose this option, then you and your children who are class members will receive Base Payments (without having to pay attorneys’ fees).
If you believe that you or your children suffered serious illness, injuries, or property damage caused by living at BRANFORD MANOR during the time period from November 23, 2019 to November 22, 2022, you may also make a claim as part of the settlement for Enhanced Payments for this kind of injury by sending in Claim Form #2 for each injured family member. (You will not have to pay attorneys’ fees, but you may have to pay government liens for public benefits or incarceration costs out of Enhanced Payments you receive.)
If you choose this option to participate in the settlement, then you will not be able to be part of any other lawsuit against the Defendants.
Object to the settlement. The deadline for objecting has PASSED.
If you feel the proposed settlement is unfair, inadequate, or unreasonable, you could have written to the court explaining why you object to the settlement.
Instead of or in addition to sending in a written statement, you could have also asked to be heard by the judge at the hearing on NOVEMBER 6, 2024. You could have hired a lawyer at your own expense to do this, or you could have represented yourself. Class Members can review the Final Approval Order on the Settlement website or review the Court schedule and other documents at the following web address:
To be valid, a written objection must have:
● Been in writing;
● Been signed by you or your lawyer (if you hire one – but you aren’t required to hire a lawyer to object);
● Included your name, address, and telephone number;
● Identified this case by Docket No. and case caption;
● Provided the reason for your objection;
● Provided whether it applied only to you, or to a particular group of class members, or to all class members;
● Provided whether you planned on personally appearing at the Final Approval Hearing;
● Stated the name of any and all lawyers representing, advising, or assisting you and whether the lawyer would appear on your behalf at the Final Approval Hearing;
● Been mail to the following address: Jonathan Stuckal, Esq.Court Officer X10, Complex Litigation Docket 400 Grand Street, Waterbury, CT 06702.
The Court must have received your objection before JUNE 10, 2024. You could still object to the settlement even if you decided to participate in the settlement.
Exclude yourself, your minor children, and/or your award from the settlement. The deadline for excluding yourself has PASSED.
If you chose not to participate in the settlement — to “Opt-Out” — you must have notified the Settlement Administrator in writing by a letter or message postmarked, or received via email, no later than JUNE 10, 2024.
To be valid, your written Opt-Out Request must have:
● Included your full name, address, telephone number;
● Been signed by you or the person requesting to opt-out;
● Included a statement similar to the following: “I want to be excluded from the Settlement and understand that by excluding myself, I will not be able to get any money or other benefits from the settlement.”
● Been mailed or emailed to the Settlement Administrator at the following address:
Branford Manor Settlement
c/o JND Legal Administration
P.O. Box 91429
Seattle, WA 98111
IMPORTANT: If you did Opt-Out, you will not get any payment or other benefit from the settlement.
This is the only option that allowed you to bring a separate lawsuit against the Defendants, at your own expense. If you chose to Opt-Out, you could not object to the settlement.
Do nothing. If you do not send in Claim Form #1 (the Base Payment form) or the Opt-Out Request:
Doing nothing is different from opting out, because if you did Opt-Out you may still hire a lawyer at your own expense to bring a separate lawsuit against BRANFORD MANOR. If you do nothing, you will give up all legal claims against BRANFORD MANOR for illness, injuries or property damage sustained during the Class Period and you will receive nothing from the settlement.